Kaczmarczyk M., Tomaszewska B., Bujakowski W., 2022. Innovative desalination of
geothermal wastewater supported by electricity generated from low-enthalpy geothermal resources.
Desalination 524,115450, doi: 10.1016/j.desal.2021.115450
Tyszer M., Tomaszewska B., Bodzek M., 2022. Assessment of SW30 membrane for
simultaneous removal of selected microelements from high-mineralized water. Desalination and Water
Treatment 245, 1-8, doi:
Bundschuh J., Kaczmarczyk M., Ghaffour N., Tomaszewska B., 2021. State-of-the-art of
renewable energy sources used in water desalination: Present and future prospects. Desalination 508,
115035, doi: 10.1016/j.desal.2021.115035
Czubernat M., Tomaszewska B., 2021. Review of Polish spas using thermal waters in
balneotheraphy and healing purposes. Mineral Resources Management, vol. 37 (2), p. 103-124, doi:
Bujakowski W., Tomaszewska B., Kępińska B., Pająk L., Bielec B., Miecznik M.,
Kasztelewicz A., Tematyka geotermalna w aktualnej działalności naukowo-badawczej IGSMiE PAN w latach
2019–2021 iplany na przyszłość. Przegląd Geologiczny, 69 (9) 2021, p. 624-632
Tomaszewska B., Akkurt GG., Kaczmarczyk M., Bujakowski W., Keles N., Jarma YA., Baba
A., Bryjak M., Kabay N., 2021. Utilization of renewable energy sources in desalination of geothermal
water for agriculture. Desalination, vol. 513, 11515, doi: 10.1016/j.desal.2021.115151
Jarma, YA, Karaoglu A., Tekin O., Baba A., Okten HE., Tomaszewska B., Bostanci K., Arda
M., Kabay N., 2021. Assessment of different nanofiltration and reverse osmosis membranes for
simultaneous removal of arsenic and boron from spent geothermal water. Journal of Hazardous
Materials, vol. 405, 124129, doi: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2020.124129
Tomaszewska B., Mukti M., Czubernat M., Tyszer M., Kępińska B., Bujakowski W.,
Kasztelewicz A., Kabay N., Baba A., Bryjak M., Akurt G.G., Okten EH, Meric KM., 2022 - Geothermal
Resources For Agriculture: Growing Tomato, Eggplant, and Zucchini in Geothermal Greenhouse Using
Treated Geothermal Water For Irrigation. European Geothermal Congress 2022 Berlin, Germany | 17-21
Tomaszewska B., Mukti M., Czubernat M., Tyszer M., Kępińska B., Bujakowski W.,
Kasztelewicz A., Kabay N., Baba A., Bryjak M., Akurt G.G., Okten EH, Meric KM., 2022 - Geothermal
Resources For Agriculture: Hydroponic and in Soil Lettuce Cultivation using geothermal water and
energy. European Geothermal Congress 2022 Berlin, Germany | 17-21 October 2022
Dissemination during conferences
7th Polish Geothermal Congress 28-30 September 2021
Tomaszewska B., Kabay N., Baba A., Bryjak M., Bujakowski W., Kępińska B., Akkurt G. G.,
Tyszer M., Czubernat M., Mukti M., Kasztelewicz A., Okten EH, Meric KM., 2021. Water-Energy-Food
Nexus: Geothermal water for agriculture. Book of Extended Abstracts, 7th Polish Geothermal Congress.
28–30 IX 2021
Tomaszewska B., Tyszer M., Czubernat M., Mukti M., Kępińska B., Bujakowski W.,
2021. Hydroponic and in soil lettuce cultivation using geothermal water and energy. Book of Extended
Abstracts, 7th Polish Geothermal Congress.
XIII Scientific Conference “Membranes and Membrane Processes in Environmental Protection” 10-11 June
Kabay N., Güler E., Arda M., Yüksel M., Tomaszewska B., Bryjak M., 2021. Integrated
management of geothermal water by ion exchange and membrane processes. Presentation.
Tomaszewska B., Tyszer M., 2021. Use of treated geothermal waters for irrigation of
lettuce crops. Presentation.
Tomaszewska B., Bryjak M., Pająk L., Kabay N., Güler E., Tyszer M., 2021. Perspective
for the recovery of energy from the salinity gradient on the basis of geothermal water - indication
of key technical and energy issues. Presentation.
Tyszer M., Tomaszewska B., Bodzek M., 2021. Evaluation of the use of selected NF
membranes in desalination of geothermal waters - tests with different water mineralization and
variable boron and arsenic content. Presentation.
GeoESD2021, 8 December 2021, TUBITAK
Tomaszewska B., Multifaceted application of geothermal systems. INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP
Mukti M., Tomaszewska B., Kabay N., Baba A., Bryjak M., Bujakowski W., Kępińska B.,
Akurt G.G., Kasztelewicz A., Okten EH, Meric KM., 2022, Geothermal water & energy resources for
agri-food chain. XVI Letnia Szkoła Membranowa „Membrany i procesy membranowe w teorii i praktyce”
Szczecin, 20 – 22 lipca 2022. Poster
Tomaszewska B., Kabay N., Baba A., Bryjak M., Bujakowski W., Kępińska B., Akurt G.G.,
Tyszer M., Mukti M., Kasztelewicz A., Okten EH, Meric KM., 2022 – Innovative solutions in the field
of obtaining water and geothermal energy for agriculture. 13th Polish Congress of Oil and gas
Industry Professionals, Bóbrka, 2-3 June 2022. Poland. Presentation
Tomaszewska B., Mukti M., Czubernat M., Tyszer M., Kępińska B., Bujakowski W.,
Kasztelewicz A., Kabay N., Baba A., Bryjak M., Akurt G.G., Okten EH, Meric KM., 2022 - Geothermal
Resources For Agriculture: Growing Tomato, Eggplant, and Zucchini in Geothermal Greenhouse Using
Treated Geothermal Water For Irrigation. European Geothermal Congress 2022 Berlin, Germany | 17-21
October 2022.
Workshops of the User4GeoEnergy Project, 8 December 2022, Kraków, Poland
Tomaszewska B., Kępińska B., Mukti M., Tyszer M.,, Bujakowski W., Pająk L.,
Kasztelewicz A., Wolańska D., 2022: Water-Energy-Food Nexus: Geothermal water for agriculture
project. Presentation.
Tyszer M., Tomaszewska B., 2022: Mapping and characterization of geothermal sources and
agricultural areas in Poland. Presentation.
Mukti M., Tomaszewska B., 2022: Utilization of treated geothermal water for plant
irrigation – polish experiences. Presentation.
European Geothermal Congress, 17-21 October 2022, Kraków, Poland
Tomaszewska B., Mukti M., Tyszer M., Czubernat M., Kępińska B., Bujakowski W.,
Kasztelewicz A., Kabay N., Baba A., Bryjak M., Akkurt G.G., Ökten H.E., Meriç M.K., 2022: Geothermal
Resources For Agriculture: Growing Tomato, Eggplant, and Zucchini in Geothermal Greenhouse Using
Treated Geothermal Water For Irrigation. Poster and short presentation. Presentation and poster.
Tomaszewska B., Mukti M., Czubernat M., Tyszer M., Kępińska B., Bujakowski W.,
Kasztelewicz A., Kabay N., Baba A., Bryjak M., Akkur G.G., Ökten H.E., Meriç M.K., 2022: Geothermal
Resources For Agriculture: Hydroponic and in soil lettuce cultivation using geothermal water and
energy. Presentation.